
At Prowgress we incubate, aggregate and accelerate high-impact business ventures. Beyond financial success we strive to deliver tangible positive social and/or environmental outcomes.

We operate as an umbrella organisation tasked to leverage our global network and financial resources to bring to terms, and successfully deliver, high-impact venture across and array of business areas, specifically the Real-Estate and Agribusiness sectors.

This set-up affords us the ability to maintain our integrity and core focus: incubating and accelerating high-impact ventures. Furthermore, it also provides our stakeholders increased flexibility in structuring each spin-off/endeavour in accordance to its specific needs and requirements.


Prowgress and its stakeholders have undertaken, mostly at their own risk and expense, over 100 real-estate projects (mostly multi-million Euro projects) across Europe. We have experience and current interests in both commercial and residential real-estate and are engaged in the development, re-development, acquisition, management and, disposition thereof.

Over the past 15 years we have gradually developed a specific focus on the affordable housing/rental market. Our current primary focus is targeted at providing affordable housing at scale, specifically in the London Metropolitan Area. We do this by utilising advantageous financing structures, entering into strategic Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and, through leveraging the advances achieved through Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). It’s the combination/perfect storm of all the above factors that make this a perfect fit within the scope of our +impact focussed approach to business.


Our Agribusiness activities stretch from East to West Africa. We have specific experience in Ghana and Kenya. In both countries we have successfully founded various agribusiness related ventures spanning the entire value chain (from seed to fork). Our main focus has been on Stevia and Moringa production. Most undertakings were made possible thanks to PPP, support from NGOs active in each specific region and the backing of local communities.

Social Impact Fund

Funding can be the bottleneck and killer to many great business ideas, especially when operating in the sphere of agribusiness in LEDCs. For this reason we work with an array of funders, and have established our own Social Impact Fund to ensure the right ventures receive the right funding. Our fund consists of a Public Private Partnership where a mezzanine of private capital and soft government funded loans constitute the core capital of our fund. The fund is modest and perpetual in nature but at all times holds in excess of 15m EUR in liquid/investable assets.

Track Record

Prowgress and its key stakeholders boast a rich and successful track record, specifically in the Real Estate (Europe) and Agribusiness sectors (Europe, East and West Africa). GIPS standard track-record and references are available for relevant parties.

Stevia Propagation Greenhouse in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Publication on Our Stevia Production Site in Ghana
Micro-financing Small Shop Owner in Accra, Ghana
Magazine Reaching 100k HNWI in the Netherlands
Interview with The Financial Telegraph
Visiting Small Holder Farmers Producing Stevia in Kenya